6 Tips On How To Find A Legitimate Loctician Online (2024)

6 Tips On How To Find A Legitimate Loctician Online (1)

Hey, loc fam!

Locs are a hairstyle that can be maintained and styled in various ways. There are some critical factors to consider when choosing a loctician for your hair. Do you want your locs in a particular style or natural? Do you have a budget for your locs? Do you want to use heat? How long should your locs be? Do you want loc hair extensions? What kind of products should they use? These are all valid questions to have when searching for a loctician to care for your precious locs.

Whether starting your locs from scratch or getting them retwisted, you want someone highly skilled to do the job. Finding a reputable loctician who can effectively style your hair isn’t easy, but today you’ll learn how to properly vet your next loctician.

Tips for you to consider when searching for your loctician:

  1. Ask friends, family, and/or coworkers whose opinions you value highly for a referral. Knowing someone who has worked with a skilled loctician and seeing examples of their work up close and personal should reassure you that you’re in good hands. If you trust someone enough to ask and have seen the fruits of their labor, there’s no reason to believe you won’t be a fan once you get in their chair.

  2. Check their social media. When considering a loctician, always view their work. Almost all hairstylists, locticians included, will display their work on some type of social media.

  3. Search for reviews online and read the comments on their social media accounts. When people love a stylists’ work, they will likely leave a positive review or comment.

  4. Schedule an in-person consultation with a loctician to see if they will be a good fit for you. Always trust your gut in these situations. If it doesn’t feel right, keep looking.

  5. Pay attention if the loctician is a good communicator, especially if you’re starting locs from scratch. They should be able to educate you on the entire starter loc process thoroughly. If the loctician acts as if your questions are annoying, they may not be the right loctician for you.
  6. Search the loctician directory on the Locsanity website. Not everyone is aware that Locsanity boasts a loctician network and thoroughly vets the locticians listed in the directory. You always want to ensure that whoever you entrust to care for your hair is knowledgeable, skilled and professional.

Having a loctician is an investment into the health of your hair, and you want someone who does a great job and is personable. These tips will help you in your search for a loctician who you’ll be happy to refer to others. Remember, don’t be afraid to ask questions. When you find the right loctician, you’ll know. It’ll be a match made in heaven!

We wish you the best of luck in your search.

If you’d like to check out our loctician directory, click here.

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",0<$(".waio-orderControl-message").length?$(".waio-orderControl-message").text(b):$(a).insertAfter(d),$(d).off(),$(d).attr("disabled","disabled"),$(d).addClass("checkout-disabled")):($(".waio-orderControl-message").html(""),$(d).removeClass("checkout-disabled"),$(d).removeAttr("disabled"),$(d).attr("name","checkout"))} function minOrderControl(){for(var a=[],b=0;bmF(Number(waioMOC.cart.original_total_price))?a.push("yes"):a.push("no");break;default:cosnole.log("invalid relation value in MOC's nested switch")}break;case "cart_item_count":switch(c.relation){case "equal":Number(c.condition)==Number(waioMOC.cart.item_count)?a.push("yes"):a.push("no");break;case "not_equal":Number(c.condition)!=Number(waioMOC.cart.item_count)?a.push("yes"):a.push("no");break;case "greater_than":Number(c.condition)Number(waioMOC.cart.item_count)?a.push("yes"):a.push("no");break;default:cosnole.log("invalid relation value in MOC's nested switch")}break;case "cart_total_weight":switch(c.relation){case "equal":Number(c.condition)==Number(waioMOC.cart.total_weight)?a.push("yes"):a.push("no");break;case "not_equal":Number(c.condition)!=Number(waioMOC.cart.total_weight)?a.push("yes"):a.push("no");break;case "greater_than":Number(c.condition)Number(waioMOC.cart.total_weight)?a.push("yes"):a.push("no");break;default:cosnole.log("invalid relation value in MOC's nested switch")}break;default:cosnole.log("invalid column value in MOC's parent switch")}log(a);waioMOC.oc=b;"and"===b.rules_operator?-1-1){ tagFound = true; break; } } if(!tagFound) continue; } getAllRelevantQC({ rule: rule, variantId: variantId, productId: productId, collectionId: collectionId, qc_variants: qc_variants, qc_products: qc_products, qc_collections: qc_collections, qc_entireStore: qc_entireStore }, function(results){ log("results",results); var pushData = { variantId: variantId, productId: productId, collectionId: collectionId, customer_group: rule.customer_group, internal_name: rule.internal_name, default_quantity: rule.default_quantity, maximum_quantity: rule.maximum_quantity, minimum_quantity: rule.minimum_quantity, quantity_increment: rule.quantity_increment, applies_to: rule.applies_to, message: custom_message || rule.message, selector_for_individual_variant: rule.selector_for_individual_variant, minimum_quantity_method: rule.minimum_quantity_method }; if(results.type === "variants" && results.status === "approved"){ pushData.variants = rule.variants; qc_variants.push(pushData); } if(results.type === "products" && results.status === "approved"){ pushData.products = rule.products; qc_products.push(pushData); } if(results.type === "collections" && results.status === "approved"){ pushData.collections = rule.collections; qc_collections.push(pushData); } if(results.type === "entire_store" && results.status === "approved"){ pushData.entire_store = true; qc_entireStore.push(pushData); } }); }//end forloop log("qc_variants", qc_variants); log("qc_products", qc_products); log("qc_collections", qc_collections); log("qc_entireStore", qc_entireStore); var variants_final = []; var products_final = {}; var collections_final = {}; var entireStore_final = {}; for(var iter = 0; iter < qc_variants.length; iter++){ var v = qc_variants[iter]; var vcg = variants_final.find(function(x){return x.customer_group}); if( "undefined" !== typeof vcg ){ switch(vcg){ case "tag_based": if(vcg != "tag_based"){ variants_final.push(v); } break; case "logged_in": if(vcg != "tag_based"){ variants_final.push(v); } break; case "all": if(vcg != "tag_based" && variants_final.customer_group != "logged_in"){ variants_final.push(v); } break; default: break; } } else{ variants_final.push(v); } } for(var iter = 0; iter < qc_products.length; iter++){ var v = qc_products[iter]; if( "undefined" !== typeof products_final.customer_group ){ switch(v.customer_group){ case "tag_based": if(products_final.customer_group != "tag_based"){ products_final = v; } break; case "logged_in": if(products_final.customer_group != "tag_based"){ products_final = v; } break; case "all": if(products_final.customer_group != "tag_based" && products_final.customer_group != "logged_in"){ products_final = v; } break; default: break; } } else{ products_final = v; } } for(var iter = 0; iter < qc_collections.length; iter++){ var v = qc_collections[iter]; if( "undefined" !== typeof collections_final.customer_group ){ switch(v.customer_group){ case "tag_based": if(collections_final.customer_group != "tag_based"){ collections_final = v; } break; case "logged_in": if(collections_final.customer_group != "tag_based"){ collections_final = v; } break; case "all": if(collections_final.customer_group != "tag_based" && collections_final.customer_group != "logged_in"){ collections_final = v; } break; default: break; } } else{ collections_final = v; } } for(var iter = 0; iter < qc_entireStore.length; iter++){ var v = qc_entireStore[iter]; if( "undefined" !== typeof entireStore_final.customer_group ){ switch(v.customer_group){ case "tag_based": if(entireStore_final.customer_group != "tag_based"){ entireStore_final = v; } break; case "logged_in": if(entireStore_final.customer_group != "tag_based"){ entireStore_final = v; } break; case "all": if(entireStore_final.customer_group != "tag_based" && entireStore_final.customer_group != "logged_in"){ entireStore_final = v; } break; default: break; } } else{ entireStore_final = v; } } log("variants_final", variants_final); log("products_final", products_final); log("collections_final", collections_final); log("entireStore_final", entireStore_final); var quantity_controls = []; if("undefined" !== typeof variants_final.find(function(x){return x.applies_to})){ variants_final.forEach(function(_d,i){quantity_controls.push(_d);}); if("undefined" !== typeof products_final.applies_to){ quantity_controls.push(products_final); } } else if("undefined" !== typeof products_final.applies_to){ quantity_controls.push(products_final); } else if("undefined" !== typeof collections_final.applies_to){ quantity_controls.push(collections_final); } else if("undefined" !== typeof entireStore_final.applies_to){ quantity_controls.push(entireStore_final); } callback(null,{quantity_controls:quantity_controls}) } function getAllRelevantQC(data, callback){ var $jscomp$destructuring$var0 = data, rule = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.rule, qc_variants = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.qc_variants, qc_products = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.qc_products, qc_collections = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.qc_collections, qc_entireStore = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.qc_entireStore, variantId = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.variantId, productId = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.productId, collectionId = $jscomp$destructuring$var0.collectionId; var status = "rejected"; switch (rule.applies_to) { case "variants": if(variantId){ var find = rule.variants.findIndex(function(x){ return x.id == variantId }); if(find > -1){ status = "approved"; } } else{ log("WAIO Warning!","Variant id not found for Quantity controller applies to variants","warning"); } if(productId){ var find = rule.variants.findIndex(function(x){ return x.product_id == productId }); if(find > -1){ status = "approved"; } } break; case "products": if(productId){ var find = rule.products.findIndex(function(x){ return x.id == productId }); if(find > -1){ status = "approved"; } } else{ log("WAIO Warning!","Product id not found for Quantity controller applies to products","warning"); } if(variantId){ try{ for(var iter = 0; iter < rule.products.length; iter++){ var product = rule.products[iter]; var find = product.variants.findIndex(function(x){ return x.id == variantId }); if(find > -1){ status = "approved"; break; } } }catch(e){log(e);} } break; case "collections": if(collectionId){ if(rule.collections.findIndex(function(x){return x.id == collectionId }) > -1){ status = "approved"; } } else if(productId){ WSAIO.collectionsOfProduct(productId, function(collectionIds){ log("collectionIds",collectionIds); for(var iter = 0; iter < collectionIds.length; iter++){ var collId = collectionIds[iter]; if(rule.collections.findIndex(function(x){return x.id == collId }) > -1){ status = "approved"; break; } } }); } else if(collection_handle == "all"){ if(qc_collections.length == 0){ status = "approved"; } log("WAIO message: All collections rendered!") } else{ log("WAIO message: Current collection's id not found!","warning") } break; case "entire_store": if(WSAIO.template !== "product"){ if(qc_collections.length === 0 && qc_products.length === 0 && qc_variants.length === 0){ status = "approved"; } } else{ if(qc_variants.length === 0){ status = "approved"; } } break; default: break; } callback({type:rule.applies_to,status:status}); } WSAIO.collectionsOfProduct = function (product_id, callback) { if (WSAIO.products_with_collections && WSAIO.products_with_collections.length) { var arr = WSAIO.products_with_collections.filter(function (x) { return x.product_id == product_id }); if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(arr); } } else { if (typeof callback === "function") {// callback([]); } } } function quantityControls__cart(config, callback){// debugger; if("undefined"===typeof config)var config={}; null===config&&(config={}); var elementSelector = config.elementSelector || "[data-variant-id]"; var variantIdAttribute = config.variantIdAttribute || "data-variant-id"; var productIdAttribute = config.productIdAttribute || "data-product-id"; if($(elementSelector).length > 0){ $(elementSelector).each(function(e,a){ var $variantId = $(this).attr(variantIdAttribute); var $productId = $(this).attr(productIdAttribute); console.log($productId) config.variantId = $variantId; if($productId){ config.productId = $productId; } WSAIO.quantityController(config, function(e,quantity_controls){ if(e){ log(e); callback(e, null); } else{ callback(null, { quantity_controls: quantity_controls, elementSelector: "["+variantIdAttribute+"='"+$variantId+"']" }, null); } }); }); } else{// callback("elementSelector could not found any nodeElement. Config elementSelector for Quantity controller to work on cart template.", null); } } // End Quantity Controls functions if(!WSAIO.fetchCart){ WSAIO.fetchCart = function(b) { $.ajax({type:"GET", url:"/cart.js", cache:!1, dataType:"json", success:function(f) { var d = []; f && f.items && 0 < f.items.length && (f.items.forEach(function(e, c) { try { delete e.product_description, delete e.featured_image, delete e.url, delete e.options_with_values, delete e.variant_options, delete e.product_description; } catch (h) { k(h); } d.push(e); }), f.items = d); try { "undefined" === typeof window.waioMOC && (window.waioMOC = {}); "undefined" === typeof waioMOC.cart && (waioMOC.cart = {}); try { waioMOC.cart.item_count = f.item_count; } catch (e) { } } catch (e) { } "function" === typeof b && b(null, f); }, error:function(f) { "function" === typeof b && b(f, null); }}); }; } WSAIO.quantityController = function(config, callback){ if("undefined"===typeof config)var config={}; null===config&&(config={}); if(config.productHandle){ WSAIO.getProductByHandle(config.productHandle, function(e,product){ if(product){ config.productId = product.id; if(!config.variantId){ try{ config.variantId = product.variants[0].id; }catch(e){log(e)} } } quantity_controller(config, callback); }); } else{ quantity_controller(config, callback); } }// WSAIO.cartQuantityController = function(config,callback){// console.log("config",config);// quantityControls__cart(config,callback)// } WSAIO.loginLink = function() { if(window.wholesale_signup_link_on_login_page == 'replace'){ $('a[href="/account/register"]').hide(); if($('.wsaio_form').length == 0){ $('a[href="/account/register"]').after('Create wholesale account');} var NewSignupPageLink = window.create_wholesale_account_link; if(document.querySelector('a[href*="/account/register"]') != null){ try { document.querySelectorAll('a[href*="/account/register"]').forEach(function(element,i){ element.addEventListener("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); window.location.href = NewSignupPageLink; }); }); } catch (e) {} } if(window.location.pathname == "/account/register"){ window.location.href = NewSignupPageLink; } } else if( window.wholesale_signup_link_on_login_page == 'append'){ if($('.wsaio_form').length == 0){ $('a[href="/account/register"]').after('
Create wholesale account');} } } WSAIO.disableCheckout(); WSAIO.order_control(); WSAIO.loginLink(); }; } else{ console.error("WSAIO is not defined. Either app is in test mode or disabled"); }
6 Tips On How To Find A Legitimate Loctician Online (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Views: 6494

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.