50 of the Best POF Headlines for Guys That Make a Statement (2024)

Table of Contents
POF Photo Rules For Men No Selfies Toss Around the Football (or futbol) Ditch The Hat And Glasses Add A Group Pic Don’t Cheat! Clever POF Headlines for Guys POF Headline #1: Women Love a Confident Man POF Headline #2: Subconciously Target Women with Your Fave TV Show POF Headline #3: Show Her You’re Smarter or More Creative than Your Competition POF Headline #4: Subconsciously Target Women With Your Favorite Song POF Headline #5: A Witty Play On Words POF Headline #6: If You Challenge Her She Just Might Accept POF Headline #7: Make Us Think POF Headline #7: It’s Not Vegas But I’ll Take It POF Headline #8: The Knee Slapper POF Headline #9: The Filter POF Headline #10: Literally Laughing Out Loud POF Headline #11: Almost, But Not Quite POF Headline #12: Being Able To Communicate The Right Sentiment POF Headline #13: The Why Not Try Headline POF Headline #14: The Classic Movie Reference POF Headline #16: I Could Go For That Right Now POF Headline #17: If You Ask, They Will Answer Direct POF Headlines for Guys POF Headline #18: Speak To Our Desires POF Headline #19: The Niche Headline POF Headline #20: Making Your Preferences Known POF Headline #21: Bold and Concise POF Headline #22: Address Their Fears With Humor POF Headline #23: Making It Known You Play No Games Funny POF Headlines for Guys POF Headline #24: Coming Out With The Truth POF Headline #25: The No Fuc*s Guy POF Headline #26: The Gentleman With Limits POF Headline #27: Let’s Get Religious POF Headline #28: Can I Get That Password? POF Headline #29: Always Up For A Challenge POF Headline #30: Flip The Switch POF Headline #31: The Straight Truth POF Headline #32: The Resonator POF Headline #33: The Series Filter POF Headlines #34: Hit Them With Nostalgic POF Headline #35: The Quickest Way To A Woman’s Heart Is Through Her Stomach POF Headline #36: Being Innocuous Only Works If You’re Honest POF Headline #37: Justified Boasting Curious POF Headlines for Guys POF Headline #38: Don’t Tempt Me POF Headline #39: No Games, Just The Facts POF Headline #40: The Curveball POF Headline #41: Irreverently Addressing Their Fear POF Headline #42: Come Fly With Me POF Headline #43: Escapism At Its Most Romantic POF Headline #44: Appealing to the Intellectual POF Headline #45: Take Me With You! Interesting POF Headlines for Guys POF Headline #46 Rev That Engine POF Headline#47 : Talk To Your People POF Headline #48: The Convo Starter POF Headline #49: Crack Her Open Emotionally POF Headline #50: Positive Associations Best POF Headlines for Guys Wrap References

As far as dating websites are concerned, Plenty Of Fish reigns supreme. Boasting over 80 million members, POF claims to add another 55,000 more everyday. POF has been around since 2003 and is by far the most active dating website around. Unlike other dating sites and apps POF differentiates itself by putting the emphasis on written content as opposed to photos. Along with asking users to fill out a lengthy bio, this seasoned website uses a bodacious blue headline to catch the attention of users.

Creating a quality POF headline is the easiest way to make you stand out. To help you craft an intriguing headline of your own, we created a Plenty Of Fish account to investigate which POF headlines work best.

But before diving into POF headlines we need to talk about your photos. Look man, I’m not saying they’re bad, but a couple of unflattering photos could make or break it for a lady.

There are a few unwritten rules associated with online dating photos. Let’s go ahead and write those rules down now so everyone’s on the same page.

POF Photo Rules For Men

No Selfies

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It doesn’t matter that selfie was the word of the year in 2013, just because the Oxford English Dictionary appreciates their significance, doesn’t mean women on dating apps do.

Selfies are a no-go. Why? Because they make it look like you have no friends. Not only this, but everyone takes selfies. They’re low-value photos. You want to stand out. Do this by avoiding selfies.

Toss Around the Football (or futbol)

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A Hinge study found that men are 45% more likely to receive a like on a sporty photo, but not just any sport will do. Women prefer high contact sports. No need to post a pic of you playing ping-pong or golfing.

Ditch The Hat And Glasses

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She should be able to see your face in every single photo. Your profile needs to convince her that you’re both a real person and at least slightly attractive.

You only have a few photos to humanize yourself. Posting one of an amazing landscape with your back turned wastes precious space.

Add A Group Pic

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People love talking junk about group pictures. Look your profile shouldn’t be the romantic version of Guess Who. Don’t make her guess. The first two pictures should be solo photos, not even a woman should be included. After you’ve established what you look like you can start adding group photos. The point of a group photo is to demonstrate that you have friends and are a sociable dude.

Add no more than two group photos and of those, make sure that no other man in the photo is devastatingly more attractive than yourself.

Don’t Cheat!

So you nab yourself a hottie and you’re off to your first date. You’re looking spiffy, just brushed your teeth, and haven’t even begun to sweat from your pits, things are shaping up quite nicely.

You get to the park, meet your date, but when you introduce yourself she looks puzzled. Why you ask yourself, but really, you should already know why. You’ve altered or have posted photos that are all too flattering.

You don’t have a six-pack, aren’t 6’3” and still have facial acne. Maybe if you showed your true self online she still would’ve swiped right. But now that you’re a flagrant liar you’ve got no chance with her.

Only post photos that are recent and show what you really look like. This is a cardinal rule. Let’s move on to some of the best POF headlines for guys.

Clever POF Headlines for Guys

POF Headline #1: Women Love a Confident Man

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This is a popular motivational phrase that started making its rounds on SM platforms a few years back. It’s almost tempting to file this POF headline in the do not use category. But while it may be a common phrase, it’s still not cliché.

Despite having heard this phrase before, the headline still packs a punch because of its wit and fearlessness. This clever play on words suggests that the person who wrote it is ambitious and confident. Not to mention that the ellipsis functions as a trail of bread crumbs that compels the reader to learn more about the man behind the words.

POF Headline #2: Subconciously Target Women with Your Fave TV Show50 of the Best POF Headlines for Guys That Make a Statement (6)

Flashing a little wit is the best way to get a woman to give your profile a thorough read-through. Headlines should be thought of as concise billboards that have to pack a punch in order to get the attention of a reader.

Better Call Saul is a widely popular show on AMC and a prequel spin-off of Breaking Bad. This crafty POF user simply swapped his name for Saul’s to create instant POF headline gold. Associating yourself with popular shows that everyone knows is guaranteed to get you clicks. Just make sure that show isn’t too obscure or you could inadvertently ostracize some users.

POF Headline #3: Show Her You’re Smarter or More Creative than Your Competition

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Sure it’s kind of dumb, but I’ll admit I laughed. Taking a widely known fact and spinning it to add a bit of humor signals that you’re an intelligent and creative guy. Never before has smarts and humor been a bad combination.

POF Headline #4: Subconsciously Target Women With Your Favorite Song

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“Everybody knows the dice are loaded” is just one of the many gut-crushing lines from Leonard Cohen’s utterly pessimistic hit, “Everybody Knows.” This headline serves almost as a secret being broadcast to the masses but understood by the few.

This POF headline is meant to attract a very specific type of person. The person who wrote it knows this and is filtering women with the simple use of a song lyric. But even if I didn’t know which song the lyric was referencing the line itself is intriguing enough to suck me in.

Its pessimistic undertone that everything is working against us suggests that this isn’t just another vapid guy mindlessly surfing POF. Don’t be afraid to show some depth of character with your headline.

POF Headline #5: A Witty Play On Words

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This user took a too cool for school approach by dissing the very app he was using –and it worked. Within this wittily worded headline we can infer that the user is suggesting that women should take their fishing rods out of the dating pool because they’ve finally found the man they’ve looking for. Women are likely to bite on a tasty headline, you’ve just got to reel them in.

POF Headline #6: If You Challenge Her She Just Might Accept

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Whenever I see a sign akin to “Enter If You Dare” I just have to indulge my more wild side, take a chance, and see what happens. This headline is innocuous but also prods the reader into taking a risk. It’s asking women to take a chance in the most polite way possible. Its brevity also gives off a mysterious vibe. If she wants to learn more she’ll just have to strike up a conversation.

POF Headline #7: Make Us Think

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We don’t want to invest heavily into thinking about what exactly your POF headline means. Creating a thought-provoking headline that is context-sensitive will make us give pause for an extra moment or two. If that pause is worth the wait, we’ll most likely be interested enough to read through your profile.

POF Headline #7: It’s Not Vegas But I’ll Take It

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The whole purpose of a headline is to persuade women to take a chance. The headline above gets at that point but without luring the reader in. It’s a good first draft, but if he wants better results he’ll need to add a little originality.

POF Headline #8: The Knee Slapper

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Sure it’s kind of out of left field, but it actually made me laugh out loud. It implies that this guy is the real deal. It tells me that this dude’s authentic, masculine, and witty with the use of just six words. Being that we’re all suckers for the movies, it’s never a bad idea to associate yourself with the glitz and glam of Hollywood in a self-effacing way.

POF Headline #9: The Filter

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Luckily, most women do. This headline tells women exactly what they’re getting themselves into. The beard-loving women will flock to it and the rest won’t. But the point of this POF headline isn’t to cast a large net, but to only attract a certain type of women.

POF Headline #10: Literally Laughing Out Loud

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To be fair, there are two ways to interpret this one. You can think of it as a plea by the author to women on POF to not be serial killers because he’s sick of dating them. Or one can read it as a headline informing women that the owner of the bio is in fact not a serial killer and that she’s finally found her match. The former is funny, the second, less so. As you’ve seen, most quality headlines are humorous, just make sure your humor isn’t be misinterpreted.

POF Headline #11: Almost, But Not Quite

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Avoid the clichés. This headline falls short because not only has it been done before on POF but on every dating website and application as well. Clichés are lazy, but they’re made even worse when the cliché itself acknowledges its own laziness. POF offers thousands of profiles for women to browse. Dig deep to find a POF headline that’s shines with novelty rather than slapping a grey cliché on your profile.

POF Headline #12: Being Able To Communicate The Right Sentiment

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A headline is considered your badge. It’s the first thing and oftentimes the only thing people will read about you. It should encompass who you are in a limited space. From a headline such as this one I can glean that the headline’s owner is a man that is more than skin-deep. The issue here is that while the sentiment is nice, the message itself falls flat. It’s a bland statement that’s almost pleading with the reader, “If you read my profile, I’ll read yours.” Don’t plead, persuade.

POF Headline #13: The Why Not Try Headline

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Truth. Hey, the man is right. I don’t really know who this dude is but I’m hot for a fiery relationship and have been persuaded to be receptive to catching fire. Sometimes we just need a little nudge to open ourselves up and take a chance. A well-written laconic headline is just the trick.

POF Headline #14: The Classic Movie Reference

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How often have you seen a woman post a The Office quote and you swear you’ve found the one. Quotes from famous movies or series are great as long as they’re understood. Ideally choose a quote that people can resonate with even if they aren’t in on the joke.

POF Headlines #15: This Isn’t Amazon, But I’ll Take You

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Acknowledging that this is a fairly superficial and at times silly means of meeting people is never a bad choice. It already feels like we’re shopping for a partner, so why not call it what it is? Even though it’s not as easy as purchasing love, we want to make it feel that way.

POF Headline #16: I Could Go For That Right Now

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Fantasies are best when they’re carried out by a romantic couple. Perhaps a slice and a brew aren’t what we had in mind, but this guy isn’t far off. Turning your headline into an innocuous invitation is never a bad way to go. While this guy was on the right track, try to choose an activity or event that will excite than your average slice of pizza and a cold one.

POF Headline #17: If You Ask, They Will Answer

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People just like giving their opinion –barring that opinion be regarding a sensitive matter. Inviting us into your profile with a question that requires a response is a natural way to segue into a dialogue. Just make sure your questions aren’t too sexual or contentious. Pro-choice or pro-life isn’t the right kind of icebreaker for a dating app.

Direct POF Headlines for Guys

POF Headline #18: Speak To Our Desires

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If you’re using POF it’s because you’re looking for romantic companionship. There is no second-guessing someone’s reason for using the website or application. What women often need when they see a headline is a little push. Reminding them why they’re using the application might just be enough for them to check out your profile.

POF Headline #19: The Niche Headline

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You’ll form an immediate and powerful connection with a fellow user if you connect over an obscure interest. Telling potential connections that you’re looking for a gneiss girl or someone akin to Joanna Gaines is an easy way to get her talking.

POF Headline #20: Making Your Preferences Known

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Be careful with your references. Some –like Joanna Gaines- will be positively received by most. Others however, could land you in hot water. Shouting into a megaphone that you’re looking for the real life equivalent of the deranged Harley Quinn is no doubt a risk. But if real life Harley comes knocking, your risk will have paid off.

POF Headline #21: Bold and Concise

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Nike kills it for a reason. With just a few words a slogan can encapsulate everything you want to be. “Never settle” works because it can be applied to one’s life in so many ways. Don’t settle on your dreams, professional aspirations, or your love life. A POF headline with moxy will make a woman think that you already possess the characteristics associated with your slogan.

POF Headline #22: Address Their Fears With Humor

I Promise Never to Ghost You

It’s quite likely that while you may have never heard of ghosting, you’ve already been a victim. Ghosting is what takes place after you’ve been on a few dates with a girl and she never texts back. You thought you two were enjoying each other but out of the blue she disappears. Addressing a real dating fear in such a direct way is a barrier breaker.

POF Headline #23: Making It Known You Play No Games

No Serendipidating Here 🙂

Like ghosting, serendipidating is one of the latest dating trends to be pissing everyone off. It’s when you keep delaying a date in the hopes that something better will come along. Making plans and then subsequently breaking them isn’t some trivial pet peeve; it’s something that gets on everyone’s nerves. Pitching yourself as a no-games type of dude is refreshing. Make some time because soon enough you’ll be stacking dates. If you’re still in doubt, give MegaDating a try.

Funny POF Headlines for Guys

POF Headline #24: Coming Out With The Truth

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Look, being callously blunt isn’t going to work for everyone. The thing to remember with a message so directly based on your resources is that you’re attracting a very specific type of person. It’s crass but it’s a means of filtering women. Good luck with the potential gold digger!

POF Headline #25: The No Fuc*s Guy

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The virtual world of dating is a murky one. With only so many characters available to express yourself you’ll only ever offer the person on the other end of the screen such a vivid image of who you are. Showing singular interests through your headline will make you glisten among the muck.

POF Headline #26: The Gentleman With Limits

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There’s no need to be fake. Give us the brutal truth –just make sure we laugh. Being edgy is eye catching, though not all eyes will look upon your vulgar wit with the same affection. Each message attracts a certain type of person. If the people contacting you aren’t the right type of people, change the message.

POF Headline #27: Let’s Get Religious

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Religious messages are awesome if you’re trying to attract other religious people. Being that talking about religion over dating mediums is becoming taboo, doing so will mean attracting other stout followers of the same religion you’re broadcasting.

POF Headline #28: Can I Get That Password?

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More so than just being funny, this message tells me about the dude’s personality. There are many ways to stand out. One way is to show who you truly are. Are you the type of person that buys records and listens to entire albums from start to finish? If so, tell us about it in your headline.

POF Headline #29: Always Up For A Challenge

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As long as you’re not asking me to explain advanced principles of quantum mechanics, I’m probably up for a challenge. When possible, solicit an interaction from other users. Conversing is after all the point of Plenty Of Fish.

POF Headline #30: Flip The Switch

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Normally it’s the female wondering if the dude she’s going out with will be a creep or not. Voicing worries that both parties have makes you seem like an empathetic guy. More than anything when women go out on a first date with a guy they want to feel secure. Demonstrating that you won’t be a creep via your headline isn’t a shabby starting point.

POF Headline #31: The Straight Truth

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Sure we don’t place having good credit on our list of dating criteria, but in the back of our heads it’s kind of there. No person man or woman wants to date someone that’s bad with money or might take advantage of them. Such honesty is humorous but it also mitigates our worry that maybe this dude I’m about to go out with is kind of a bum.

POF Headline #32: The Resonator

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Well hell yeah I love pizza. Penning a headline that everyone can agree to means that you’ll be able to cast a wide net. If chatting with as many people as possible is your goal, then congrats; you’ve just achieved it.

POF Headline #33: The Series Filter

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Even diehard The Simpsons lovers will be hard-pressed to identify this quote. Should someone latch on to your headline you two will no doubt share an inside joke that few other users have the privilege of being privy to. I advise switching up these obscure references every few weeks.

POF Headlines #34: Hit Them With Nostalgic

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Are you trying to make me burst out in song? Reminiscing about an old movie inevitably leads to talking about other old TV shows, cultural icons from a bygone era, and soon enough you two are busy yapping away and forgetting what year it is. To offer her a conversation starter she can’t refuse, get old school.

POF Headline #35: The Quickest Way To A Woman’s Heart Is Through Her Stomach

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In today’s age, women pride themselves on their love of food. Tapping into her foodie side will quickly score you a date. Just broach a new fusion food truck that tastefully blends Maltese and Mexican cuisine and boom. You’ve got yourself a date.

POF Headline #36: Being Innocuous Only Works If You’re Honest

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That’s great that you want to buddy up before transitioning into something serious. Honestly there are a ton of women just looking for platonic companionship through dating apps. Being forthright and offering it is refreshing. Just make sure you’re not falsely advertising your intentions.

POF Headline #37: Justified Boasting

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Sometimes a boast doesn’t have to be disguised if it’s objectively awesome. Benching 325 is without a doubt awesome. It’s true that women are into big dudes. We just hope your photo justifies your headline.

Curious POF Headlines for Guys

POF Headline #38: Don’t Tempt Me

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Asking a question is never a bad idea. Naturally we’ll want to answer you. Asking if we can keep up is a flirty yet harmless way to begin a conversation. Let’s just hope your style can back up your headline.

POF Headline #39: No Games, Just The Facts

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It sounds odd, but if your headline can double as the slogan for your local gym, it’s probably a winner. On Plenty Of Fish, women are looking for ways to improve their lives. A Just Do It type slogan hits at a visceral urge to improve our lives.

POF Headline #40: The Curveball

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The entire purpose of the headline is to lead women to the next step: reading your profile. If you read this headline on a woman’s profile, would you not read her profile to find out what her deal is?

POF Headline #41: Irreverently Addressing Their Fear

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Playing around with a woman’s fear is all well and good as long as it’s happening at a distance. A ballsy headline such as this one peaks our interest just enough to open your profile. The downside to this is that once you’ve sucked us in you’ll have to balance out that bad boy profile with a dose of sanity.

POF Headline #42: Come Fly With Me

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Routines are something that we get dragged into far too often. Transcending the day-to-day banality isn’t a godsend, it’s what that cute guy from POF is promising. If you’re offering a fantasy, be prepared to deliver.

POF Headline #43: Escapism At Its Most Romantic

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Every woman desires an eclectic man of mystery that can sweep us off our feet. Vague headlines such as this one are acceptable as long as they offer something that we didn’t previously have in our lives. In this case, it’s variety.

POF Headline #44: Appealing to the Intellectual

Diverging from Conventional

Flexing your intellectual muscles is something seldom found on dating apps. Standing out through your intelligence is never a bad move. Don’t be afraid to challenge us mentally by throwing an obscure word or concept into your headline. If we consult Google to find out what your headline means, it means we’re investing time into you.

POF Headline #45: Take Me With You!

Propelling myself to freedom

The theme of the past few headlines has been about breaking away from the grey of the normal workaday life and trying something new. There are many ways you can advertise yourself as an escape, get on it!

Interesting POF Headlines for Guys

POF Headline #46 Rev That Engine

Tennis & brunch anyone?

Men tend to struggle with shifting the relationship from one that’s online to one IRL. They have a habit of trying to get a know a person online in-depth before asking for a number. This is the wrong way to go about it. Dating apps are introduction apps. You’re not supposed to become pen pals with someone -exchanging messages for weeks- before asking them out.

This headline works because it’s trying to move the dynamic into the real world as quickly as possible. Anyone that messages this dude first will do so because they’re interested in tennis and/or brunch. From there only a few more messages need be exchanged before a date is planned.

This headline also deserves praise because it’s clearly attempting to attract females that have a common interest. The user isn’t casting a wide net but instead zeros in on women he thinks he’ll have the best chance of bonding with.

POF Headline#47 : Talk To Your People

Unpopular Opinion: Cauliflower Wings > Chicken Wings

Online dating is void of meaningful connections. Most dating apps are designed to be like games. We rank, swipe, and stack matches but do we ever form a connection with another person?

This message immediately opens the door for a genuine connection by asking other users to bond over an unpopular opinion. Everyone wants to find people similar to them. There’s no better way to quickly form a connection with someone than by vibing over a shared interest or belief that few others hold.

This male user could’ve easily written, “Proud Vegan.” But what’s wrong with this? By pounding your chest and exclaiming who you are, you may turn off people that don’t perfectly align with your interests. Preferring cauliflower wings to chicken wings is a smooth way of inviting both vegans and non-vegans into the conversation.

Remember to only filter people out with your headline if you are certain that you only want to date a specific type of person.

POF Headline #48: The Convo Starter

Fútbol or Football… or neither?

This question is great because while there are only three possible answers, anyone can answer it. This is a lighthearted “make or break” type of question. That being said, should the woman provide an unwanted response, is the guy male user really going to not respond?

The purpose of a headline is to make the forming of a bond easier. It doesn’t matter that she likes football instead of futbol, what matters is that a conversation started.

POF Headline #49: Crack Her Open Emotionally

I’ll Trade You A Secret For A Secret

Drop the mic and walk away homie.

This guy freakin’ nailed it. Trading secrets with a stranger is easy (unless you’re sharing your PIN number). A secret for a secret will put you on a fast track to getting that first date.

Once there you two might want to continue opening each other up by playing the NYT 36 questions that lead to love. Bonding over your mutual love of The Office is cute and all but it’s a cheap connection. Sharing how you two overcame serious obstacles to achieve goals creates an immediate bond.

POF Headline #50: Positive Associations

What songs always make you dance?

Always start the conversation out on a positive note. Get her talking and thinking about things she likes. In this case, you’re asking her to ponder and discuss a song that gets her out of her seat and skipping on over to the dancefloor.

I guarantee that immediately after reading this POF headline she’ll play the song she’s thinking of. Vibe on the song for a few lines before asking her to get a drink at a kick-ass bar you know that plays her style of music. Easy peasy.

Best POF Headlines for Guys Wrap

A headline is only one step towards transitioning a nascent relationship out of an application and into the real world. Many steps must be taken to make this happen. If you’re looking to truly improve your chances on POF, don’t forget to check out our POF Review article. We’ll walk through everything besides the headline that’ll help you score more dates in record time.

Do you think your POF Headline should be added to this article? If so, send me a screenshot of your header and the reasoning behind your claim to [emailprotected].

Being single getting you down? Struggling with POF or dating in general? Each week emlovz helps dozens of men reach their dating goals like improving their online presence, getting on more dates, staying out of the friendzone, and more serious things like finding a life partner.

Should you need a womanly touch to lead the way I invite you to book a New Client 1-on-1 Zoom session with me or one of my other coaches today to learn what you need to do to find the woman you’ve been searching for. Together we’ll diagnose your dating history, uncover any roadblocks that might be holding you back, create an action plan, and see if my coaching or matchmaking programs could be a fit for you.

50 of the Best POF Headlines for Guys That Make a Statement (2024)


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Article information

Author: Duncan Muller

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Views: 5634

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.